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EMD GP18/20 Intake Grille and Shutter Set – 16.95
This set contains the shutters and grilles to complete 1 GP18 or GP20. The Grilles are pieced together with horizontal and vertical fins to achieve the dimensional look of the prototype grilles. Pins on the ends of the fins fit into holes on the grille base plate. CA is recommended for attaching the fines to the base plate.
The vertical fins are placed with the notch near the top of the base plate. That is for the large horizontal strip at the top of the grille.

The horizontal fins are added after the vertical fins are in place. The fins have notches so they fit into eachother and lock everything in place.

The shutters are attached to the inside of the shell with CA. They can be left in the closed position or bent into the opened position.

These shutters are shown in the opened position.